Martina is the stuck up ditzy Princess of Xoana.  She and her father devised a plan to kidnap Amelia, Princess of Saillune, and hold her hostage and takeover the world.  However, Lina saves Amelia and accidently blows up her kingdom while doing so.  So Martina follows Lina, seeking revenge.
    In Slayers Next, Martina had been mostly the comic relief.  She usually doesn't do anything important other than annoy Lina and fall in love with Zelgadis, Gourry, and Xelloss.  Her specialty is the use of curses, which usually don't work.


Name:  Martina Mel Navratilova Xoana
Japanese Voice Actor:  Mifuyu Hiiragi
American Voice Actor:  Rachael Lillis
Age:  ?
Hometown:  Xoana
Magic Mastered:  Curses
Signature Magic Spell:  Various curses
Other Skills:  Calling upon the great power of the Monsterous Zoamelgustar!
Goals:  Take Revenge on Lina for blowing up her kingdom