Dictionary of Magic
Cheaply copied mostly word for word from here.  Created for my own easy reference. Thanks to Kain for capturing some/most of the images here.

1.  What is Magic?

2.  Sorcerer's Guild

3.  Magical Weapons

Dark Star Weapons
These weapons were created by Dark Star.  These hold the power to control the gate that was used to confine Dark Star in Slayers Try.  These weapons are also able to damage Mazoku, including the powerful Mazoku General and Priest, Xelloss.

Gorun Nova - The Legendary Sword of Light passed down the generations of the Gabriev family.  Gourry uses this sword throughout the Slayers series.  Possibly the third most powerful.  Wielded by Gourry during the uniting of the powers of Mazoku and Gods to destroy Dark Star.

Ravdomezehis - The Spear.  Used mostly by Valgarv in Slayers Try and possibly the second most powerful next to Galveria, the Bow.  The Spear and the Sword are the weapons that open the gate.  Wielded by Zelgadis during the uniting of the powers of Mazoku and Gods to destroy Dark Star.

Mezard - The Trident.  Not really important in the story.  Wielded by Amelia, during the uniting of the powers of Mazoku and Gods to destroy Dark Star.

Vodiga - The Axe.  Also not too important.  The Trident and Axe are the weapons that close the gate.  Wielded by Sirius during the uniting of the powers of Mazoku and Gods to destroy Dark Star.

Galveria - The Bow.  Unquestionably the most powerful of the five light weapons.  Also the hardest to control, since Xelloss had a hard time using it.  This is the weapon that is used to fire an arrow that would destroy Dark Star.  Wielded by Lina during the uniting of the powers of Mazoku and Gods to destroy Dark Star.

Other Magical Weapons
Erm.... other magical weapons.

Howling Sword - The sword that Zangulus wields.  It has the ability to project a sound wave that can push away anything in front of the wielder.

4.  Index of Magic Spells

Black Magic
Spells that draw power from the Mazoku.  The more powerful the Mazoku, the more powerful and difficult to control the spell becomes.  Because the magician must control his mind carefully while casting, these spells are hard to master.  However, offensive black magic is the most effective attack spells.  If a particular Mazoku dies, the spell that uses its power becomes ineffective.

Giga Slave

This spell draws the power from the creator of all things, the Lord of Nightmares.  Despite the fact that Lina created this spell, she can't control it.  Since the Giga Slave draws Chaos into the Universe, this spell is very dangerous and could be the most powerful in the Slayers World.

Darkness beyond the blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night!  Lord of Darkness, who shines like gold upon the Sea of Chaos, I call upon thee, swear to myself to thee.  Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess! 

Ragna Blade
This spell draws power from the Lord of Nightmares, and is also a spell by Lina. She creates a darkness between her hands and forms it into a blade. It is very powerful and is able to cut through anything, including space. This spell consumes a large amount of magical energy and can be maintained only for a few seconds. 

You, who is part of the King of Nightmare; You, who is released from the Universe; A freezing black blade of darkness; Be my power, be my arm; Together we will walk on the path of destruction; Crashing down on the soul of the Gods! 

Dragon Slave
The spell draws power from the Ruby Eye Shabranigudo.  This spell, created by the legendary sorcerer Lei Magnus, creates a crimson colored blast of energy that can easily destroy a town.  This spell requires the maximum amount of magical energy of a human to cast. 

Darkness from twilight, Crimson from blood that flows; Buried in the flow of time; in Thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness!  Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess! 

Ragna Blast
This spell draws power from the Hellmaster Fibrizo.  The caster creates an inverted pentagram with the target in the center, then a light shoots upwards with black plasma that engulfs the target. 
Gaav Flare
This spell draws power from the Demon Dragon King Gaav.  The caster blasts a red beam that harms the target and anyone behind the target. 
Dynast Brass
This spell draws power from the Dynast Grausherra.  The caster creates a pentagram that the target gets trapped in.  Then lightning strikes the five ends of the pentagram, and finally a large bolt of lighting strikes the target. 
Dynast Breath
This spell draws power from the Dynast Grausherra.  The caster traps the target into ice, then shatters the ice. 

Supreme King with the frozen soul; Grant me the power of your icy rage!

Dolph Strash
This spell draws power from the Deep Sea Dolphin.  The caster creates a spear-like shockwave that moves extremely fast and destroys the target.  Unlike Dolf Zork, it doesn't require any water.
Dolph Zork
This spell draws power from the Deep Sea Dolphin.  The caster creates a sharp blade of water with this spell, but there must be water in the area.
Blast Ash
The caster creates a darkness that envelops the target, erasing all living things within the darkness.  This spell doesn't work on nonliving objects.
Cucumber Spin
Naga's original summoning spell.  This spell summon a horde of sea cucumbers, which taste good pickled. 
Gai Ra Dooga
Another original summoning spell of Naga.  She summons a Plasma Dragon, known for its powerful electric breath. 
Vu Vreimer
This spell allows the caster to form a golem with nearby rocks. The golem can only obey simple commands. 
Feris Breed
This spell summons a dove to the area. 

Galloping stars in the dark night; An old contact that binds the earth; Obey my order and bring that one to me 

Necro Vood
This spell creates a zombie like being that can obey simple commands from the caster. 

White Magic
Spells that draw power from the Gods.  These spells are usually used by priests.

Recovery - This spell draws power from the target and uses it to heal wounds.  Because this power comes from the target, the spell can kill a dying man or worsen a sick man by increasing the number of viruses in him.

Ressurection - This spell is like Recovery and can be used to heal the wounds of a person.  But instead of drawing power from the person, it draws power from surrounding life.  Because of the long chant, the caster must say the words to it quickly.
Chant - Holy healing hands; Breath of mother earth; I pray to you; Save this person lying before me; With your limitless mercy

Flow Break - This spell can return the flow of magical energy to normal, nullifying all the effects of magic spells.  This effects an area, so you can make it work on several targets.

Laphas Sheed - This spell causes a target to stop moving.  They are also unable to cast any spells.

Lock - This spell creates a magical lock on a door.  But there's nothing that can keep the door from being kicked down or something.

Unlock - This spell unlocks any door, including those locked with the Lock spell.  Because of its short and simple chant, this spell is forbidden to be tought anywhere.

Lighting - This spell creates an orb of light.  By controlling how long the light lasts, they can control brightness.  A Lighting spell that stays lit for a second makes a blinding light while a Lighting spell that lasts for hours can be dim.

Sleeping - Causes the target to fall asleep.  This sleep is so deep, that a person would stay asleep, even if there were a incredibly loud sound being made in the person's ear.

Shamanistic Fire
Spells that use.. erm..... Fire... or high level energy.  These usually don't affect Mazoku because this energy is changed into physical power.
This spell creates a ball of fire between the caster's hands and can be thrown.  The strength of the fireball depends on how much power the caster channels into it.  This is an area effect spell and can cause fires around the area.  A well known magic spell, people can determine a caster's skill by how he controls the Fireball. 

Origin of all power, Glittering, burning red flame, 
Gather to my hands and be my power

Flare Lance
More powerful version of Flare Arrow.  Creates a very powerful explosion. 
Flare Arrow
This spell creates arrows of fire that can be shot to create small explosions and start fires.  High level sorcerers can create several arrows and shoot all of them at once.
Blast Bomb
A legendary spell said to be castable only by Lei Magnus. This spell creates several orbs of fire that are all launched at once, scorching the target and the ground.  This is the most powerful Fire spell. 
Burst Flare
The most powerful common fire spell.  This spell creates a high powered fireball that is so hot, it creates a blue flame.  This spell is powerful enough to melt a golem. 
Burst Rondo
This spell creates many balls of fire that are thrown, each creating a small explosion.  Despite its weakness, it creates a loud and bright explosion.
Flare Bit
This spell creates many small bullets of fire, each somewhat weak.  The blasts can be spread by moving the hands as the caster shoots. 
Rune Flare
This spell creates several spears of high powered energy that is projected at the target.  Unlike the other spells of Fire, pure energy is used, so nearby flammable objects will not burn. 

Shamanistic Water
These spells summon water or freeze water.  Offensive water spells usually aren't too powerful unless the target is in the water.  Freezing spells can gather and scatter water.
Aqua Breathe
This spell allows the caster to breathe underwater. But the caster will still be wet, so Ray Wing may be a better spell to use.
Freeze Arrow
This spell is an ice version of Flare Arrow and instantly freezes whatever it hits. Every useful if you'd like to stop a target. 

Floating spirit on the water, As thy words of pledge, 
Obey me and be my power

Icicle Lance
More powerful version of Freeze Arrow.  The freeze radius is much larger.
Freeze Briddo
This spell is an ice version of Fireball and creates a glimmering blue orb.  The orb can instantly freeze like Freeze Arrow and spread this like Fireball. 
Freeze Rain
Naga's original spell.  This spell creates a ball of ice that goes into the air and shoots an unlimited number of icicles everywhere.  The only way to stop this is to destroy the ball of ice. 
Sea Blast
This spell creates a high wave of water.  The wave can sink a midsized ship.  To use this spell, the caster must have his hand in the water.  This spell only affects targets on the surface of the water, leaving underwater creatures safe. 
Demona Crystal
This spell creates a thick fog that freezes anything it reaches.  Only the greatest of sorcerers are able to cast this and stay away from the deadly fog created. 

You who goes through both air and earth, Gental flow, Floating water, Gather at my hands and be my power! 

Shamanistic Air
These spells change the air pressure and allows control of air. They either create a vacuum or compress air.  These spells are hard to see beacuse they're made of air.  Few of these spells  control both air and fire at once, resulting in lightning.

Bomb Di Wind
This spell creates an explosion of compressed air.  This blast can blow away things near the target, including big logs.  This spell can also be used to speed up a sailing ship by casting it on the sails. 
Ray Wing
This spell creates a barrier of air that allows the caster to fly.  Velocity, weight, and altitude will effect the flight of the caster.  Because of the intensive concentration required to use this spell, casting another spell is difficult. 
This spell lets the caster fly slowly or simply levitate.  Unlike Ray Wing, which uses more power and concentration, the caster can use other spells while using Levitation. 
Damu Brass
This spell creates a red ball of light that vibrates at a high frequency.  The blast can be used to destroy stone walls. 
Diem Wind
This spell allows the caster to create compressed air in his hands, then release it in a power gust.  The gust is powerful enough to let a person jump higher and blow away flying weapons like arrows. 
Mono Volt
This spell allows the caster to create weak lightning that can paralyze a man. 
Digu Volt
More powerful verson of Mono Volt that can kill a man. 

Shamanistic Earth
These spells draw power from Bephis, the earth spirit.  These spells can destroy or disrupt the ground.  The spells of this category are easy to control, but are useless against flying enemies.
Bephis Bring
This spell uses the power of Bephis to "dig" into the ground, making a tunnel.  It can be used to make a pit doing down or a tunnel going forward. 
Dill Brand
This spell causes the ground to explode in the shape of a donut.  Can be used to blow a target into the air or make a distraction. 
Mega Brand
More powerful version of Dill Brand. 
Dug Haut
This spell allows the caster to gather magical energy into his hands, then throw it to the ground and create large pointed rocks that can impale targets.  This spell also creates a small earthquake that makes it difficult for the target to dodge. 
Dug Break
This spell disrupts the energy of Bephis.  This can be used to destroy golems easily. 

Shamanistic Spirit
These spells project the magical energy of the caster.  These spells do not effect anything in the Material Plane and only the Astral Plane, making these types of spells useful when fighting with a Mazoku.
Astral Vine

This spell enchants the caster's weapon with magical energy, making it turn a bright red. The enchantment allows the weapon to be effective against a Mazoku or hit aways blasts of energy.

Bram Blazer
This spell fires a blue beam that runs straight towards the target, harming the physical body and the spirit.  Very useful when fighting multiple Mazoku because it can pierce and enemy and harm another behind it.
Elmekia Lance
Creates a lance of light that affects the spirit.  If a human is hit, their mental strength is weakened for a while.  Mazoku are usually harmed by the effect of this spell. 
Elmekia Flame
More powerful version of Elmekia Lance. This spell creates a pillar of light that can outright destroy a human's spirit. 
Goz V'rou
This spell creates a black shadow that goes straight to the target, damaging the spirit, then their physical body. Unlike Disfang, this spell cannot be dispelled with a light source. 
Ra Tilt
This spell envelops the target in a blue-white flame that can utterly destroy a lower class Mazoku.  This is the most powerful offensive spell in the Spirit category, roughly equivelant in power to the Dragon Slave.  This spell only affects one target and the target must have a spirit. 
This spell charges the fists of the caster with magical power, so that he may fight a Mazoku with his own fists. Like Astral Vine, this spell works well against a Mazoku and can hit away energy blasts.

Divine Magics
Only Golden Dragons can use these spells, which draw power from the Dragon Gods.  Humans cannot cast these spells because they are in the language of the Dragons.

Chaotic Disintegrate - A spell made for attacking a Mazoku and as powerful as the Ra Tilt.
Chant - Manaku Soromu Zanaku Sakurimu

Flame Bless - A spell that engulfs the target in flame.
Chant - Anaku Ra Zu Omu Ranaku Soamu Izu Peku Naomu

Ray Freeze - Similar to Laphas Seed, paralyzing the caster's target.  But it is able to affect multiple targets and this cannot be undone without a counter spell.
Chant - Anaku Rakusu Ozuru Namu Izuru Nakusu Orumu

Vrabazard Flare - Draws power from the Flare Dragon Vrabazard, creating a beam with the power of fire.

Other Skills and Techniques
Various Skills, Techniques, Custom Attacks, etc. that don't fit anywhere else.


This is a chant to activate the Demon Bloods talisman, possessed by Lina. To activate, the user must position his arms in a cross like position and say the chant. Doing so will increase the user's magical power and allow the casting of incredibly powerful spells.
Pacifist Crush Royal Special Thunder
A special attack used by Prince Phil in Slayers Next Ep 8.  Its either a punch or a tackle.
All Men Brothers Hand in Hand
Another special attack used by Prince Phil in Slayers Next Ep 8.  He hits a low level Mazoku repeatedly in the face with the palms of his hands, then with a final strike, sends the target into the background and causes it to explode for some reason.
Joyful Reunion Bear Hug
Yet another special attack used by Prince Phil in Slayers Next Ep 8.  He bear hugs a low level Mazoku with great strength, causing it to explode ridiculously.
Benevolent Giant Swing
YET ANOTHER special attack used by Prince Phil in Slayers Next Ep 8.  He grabs a low level Mazoku by the legs and swings it around and around and throws it somewhere.
Father and Daughter Love Double Impact
A special attack where Prince Phil and Amelia join hands, causing a pretty flash, then they fly towards a low level Mazoku and hit it, causing yet another weird explosion.

Raugnuto Rushavna - This is a curse only Mazoku can use.  This curse transforms a human into a large chunk of flesh and granting it immortality.  Then snakes begin eating holes in the flesh.  The only way to undo this curse is to ruin the Mazoku that has placed the curse. This curse was used only in the novels.

Metamorphesis - Allows a nonhuman being to transform into a human.

Mazoku Teleportation - Allows a being to warp space and move place to place like with teleportation.  Only Mazoku or Material Plane beings who unite themselves with the Mazoku may do this.

Uniting the Powers of the Demons and the Gods - Used when Lina and the rest channeled their power into the arrow of the Galveria.  This required the five light weapons of Dark Star, one who could draw power from the Mazoku, one who could draw power from the Gods, and a human who can combine the two powers.  The arrow becomes Chaos, which becomes raw destructive power.

Justice Shoulder Attack - Amelia yells "Justice Shoulder Attack!" and tackles the target.


Call Lina Flat Chested - A very effective attack where you call Lina flat chested, causing serious mental damage.

Call Lina Flat Chest
A very effective technique where you call Lina flat chested, causing serious mental damage. 
"Flat chest" or some variation of that. 
Tell Naga There's a Gold Coin
A very effective technique where you point somewhere saying there's a gold coin, leaving Naga distracted and vulnerable against attack. 
"Aah! There's a gold coin!" or anything similar to that.