Filia is a shrine maiden of the Golden Dragons.  She possesses the ability to transform into a human (but not perfectly) and incredible strength (she retains the strength and weight of a dragon in human form).  She is a seemingly calm and quiet person, but anyone who annoys her will feel the wrath of her mace.  She, like all Golden Dragons,  has a hatred for Xelloss, who single handedly destroyed nearly all the dragon races in the War of the Demons' Descent.
    In Slayers Try, the Golden Dragons receive a prophecy warning of a great darkness to spread across the world, five lights that can destroy this evil, and one with the power to control the power of the Gods and the Demons who will lead the lights.  Assuming the one they need is a human, they send Filia to find someone powerful enough.  Filia goes to Luna Inverse, but is told to go to Lina.  Then Filia goes to Lina and the group begin their quest.


Name:  Filia Ul Copt
Japanese Voice Actor:  Houko Kuwashima
American Voice Actor:
Age:  Dragons live a long time, but she's probably young for a dragon.
Home:  Fire Dragon Temple
Magic Mastered:  Dragon Magic and White Magic
Other Skills:  Dragon Transformation and Incredible Strength.
Goal:  To prevent the resurrection of Dark Star.